Collier Materials has now filed 4 applications to the LCRA associated with 2 industrial sand plants and 2 dredging operations. Collier Materials has stated that these projects will continue for years. There is a big misconception that Collier will come in and clean up the lake and leave. Collier has no intention of leaving because the lake will never run out of sand. Also, they will not remove anything other than sand. This plan will not help the lake it will only permanently industrialize it. The Sedimentation Survey completed in 2020 by the Texas Water Development Board showed less than 5% capacity lost since the lake was created over 70 years ago. It also showed most of the build is not in the areas Collier Materials plans to dredge. The worst build up of sediment is towards the dam end of the lake. Save Lake LBJ believes that if the sand is proved to be an actual problem that there is a better plan for removal that would not be permanent. The survey estimated that there is roughly 9,116 acre feet of sediment build up since the impounding. Collier years long plan states that they will remove 477 acre feet of sand from Zone D and 840 acre feet from Zone D. The Sedimentation Survey also suggested a multibeam survey should be completed for a better understanding of Lake LBJ. That has not been done yet.This plan is about making money not cleaning up the lake. These projects will negatively impact the daily lives of thousands of residents and vacationers alike. They pose huge safety risks both on land and on the water. The LCRA, TCEQ, USACOE, and TPWD need to put an end to this endeavor and come up with a better plan.